From Boxer to Coach: Max Vasey


Max Vasey, a former amateur boxer from Redcar Boxing Club, has found his true calling as an amateur boxing coach at just 21 years old. His love for the sport and desire to give back to boxing have inspired him to become a qualified coach and help others achieve their goals in the ring.

For Max, coaching is more rewarding than boxing himself. Being in the winning corner and seeing his students succeed is a validation of his coaching abilities, and he takes great pride in helping others achieve their dreams. He knows that hard work and discipline are key to success in boxing and teaches his students through repetition of basic drills.

Max's experience as a boxer for the Army has also helped him develop the skills and knowledge needed to be an effective coach. As a coach, Max has faced challenges teaching raw beginners, but his dedication and commitment to his students' success have helped him overcome these obstacles. His passion for boxing and coaching is evident in the effort he puts into every training session, both for himself as an active boxer and for his students as a coach.

Max's journey from boxer to coach is a testament to the transformative power of boxing and the importance of giving back to the sport that has given him so much. He is a shining example of the dedication and hard work it takes to succeed in the ring and in life.


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